Limited time Discount
Ok here it is access to a discount that is linked to your current basket. 24hrs the clock is ticking…….
Enter your email to activate your discount code
Just enter your email in the box below an you will receive your discount for your current basket. This process will join you to our mailing list.
A Frame for FREE?
Yes, believe it or not we do give items away for free. See the photo in the that frame, well that is one of our lovely customers who shared a photo in social media and tagged us. We are always on the lookout for images and photos we can use on our site.
How could you get a freebie? We use a lot of photos for our social media and advertising. We have and will continue to ask customers if we can use their photos and guess what you'll get your order refunded and possibly more. So tag a photo of your order hanging proud and tag us @phomeware (Facebook and Twitter) @phome (Instagram) and who knows, if it's something we feel would work for us you may get your order for free.
Give us a follow on Facebook, we post our competitions and discounts to all our Facebook followers. As well as running limited time offers that you can opt into to redeem at a later date.
Keep up to date with our Instagram channel. New products, offers a visual way to see what is going on at PHOME
Join our Strava group where we give away prints every month to lucky club members
Just posted a photo
Just posted a photo
Join us on Twitter for flash sales and competitions.